Effective Online Therapy in California with Andrea Bey, LMFT

Transform Your Life with Online Therapy in California

You're experiencing a sense of isolation, carrying an ever-present weight on your shoulders and a knot in your stomach. Perhaps you're juggling the demands of young children at home, trying to navigate this new normal. Maybe you find yourself in the sandwich generation, balancing the care of both young children and aging parents simultaneously. You might be a busy college student, barely finding a moment between classes, or deeply engrossed in a bustling career, with little time to spare. Perhaps you're immunocompromised or struggle with crippling anxiety, making it difficult to leave the house. What you do know is that you're in need of therapy, but a traditional office setting just isn't feasible for you.

How will online therapy help me?

I help my clients work through their anxiety, quiet their inner critic, learn ways to effectively communicate their needs to others, and develop healthier beliefs about themselves. I witness my clients develop greater self-compassion and create a life they love.

How does online therapy work?
I will send you a link to my virtual waiting room that you will use each week for your session. There is no software to download, and the link is the same from week to week. In these sessions we will laugh, cry, you can vent, BUT you will also start to experience transformation. 

So save yourself the commute, and don't wait for the anxiety and stress to get worse. It doesn't have to be this way.

Andrea Bey, LMFT: Your Partner in Online Therapy in California

Hi, I’m Andrea Bey and I provide online therapy (including online EMDR therapy) to women in California. Online therapy is so convenient, and it’s proven to be as effective as if we met in person! Many of my clients report that after a few minutes of adjusting to the online format, they often forget that we are not in the same room together.

Schedule Your First Online Therapy Session Today with Andrea Bey Therapy!

If you live in California and are in need of support, click here or call me today at (805)225-4495 for your FREE 15-minute phone consultation for online therapy so that you can finally find relief from anxiety, stress, and trauma. I look forward to speaking with you!

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Therapy in California

  • Many people use the terms counseling and therapy interchangeably. Counseling tends to be shorter-term, goal-oriented, and it addresses concrete, specific life challenges. By contrast, therapy tends to be longer-term, more exploratory, and holistic. Trauma therapy, such as EMDR therapy for complex trauma is often longer-term, with life-changing results.

  • When searching for the best San Luis Obispo therapist for you make sure to check out each therapist’s areas of specialty, which may include things like EMDR therapy, online EMDR therapy, and anxiety therapy.

  • If you want to spend time talking about an issue or working through trauma using EMDR therapy or other modalities, then a San Luis Obispo therapist might be a good fit for you. If you need an assessment completed for ADHD, autism, etc. then a psychologist might be a good fit. If you're interested in pursuing psychiatric medication for symptom relief for a mental health disorder, you will want to talk to a psychiatrist.

Ready to get started with online therapy in CA with Andrea Bey, LMFT?